Call of Duty, Counter-Strike 2, Overwatch 2, SSBU, Rocket League, Valorant
Open tryouts will take place on September 3rd and 4th, from 7 to 10 pm each day. Participation on both days is not required. Please fill out your team’s interest form if you plan to attend.
Minimum and preferred qualifications are listed beneath each respective game.
Call of Duty
Minimum Qualifications:
- Diamond+
Preferred Qualifications:
- Competitive experience and open evenings
Counter-Strike 2
Minimum Qualifications:
- 18,000+ CS rating or
- FACEIT rank 8 or
- ESEA/similar league experience
Overwatch 2
- No minimum or preferred qualifications
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Preferred Qualifications:
- Tournament experience (ie. playing online, locals, regionals, majors)
Rocket League
Minimum Qualifications:
- Champion I+
Minimum Qualifications:
- Ascendant III+